Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hitting People Up for Money is Easier than Training

So today I pulled the trigger and sent out a mass e-mail to friends and colleagues asking if they would be part of my new life project. The reaction has been really wonderful, with a large number fo people responding right away that they were going to support the effort. Over 700 pledged in the first day, and I haven't even hit up the office yet. Thanks to all of you.

The idea for the blog came from one friend who said this would be a great way to keep tabs on their investment (I am not sure she trusted me to do all I said I was going to do. She knows me). So that to her as well.

This was the first week of base training. Already this week, I've run, swum and biked. Last nigth was 40 minutes on the bike trainer. Today was a rest day and tomorrow is swim - I'll be at the Yates Pool at Georgetown at 6:30am if anyone wants to join. ;)

1 comment:

Kasia said...

Great blog, looking forward to tracking your progress. Where's the training log? I wanna see the miles baby!